Actualización del proyecto #3

Project Update: CREPANQUINE (Omnibus & Book 2)


"Hello guys,

we are Caro Waro and Garbunka, the authors of the comic Crepanquine. As some of you may know, we are going through a rough patch due to our father’s passing. Overnight, we have been surrounded by a lot of problems and responsibilities which we have to attend to and which need time to be solved.

Do not worry: Crepanquine is still in production albeit at a slower speed. We are less than 20 pages away from finishing the storyboard, although we estimated that this situation will push back the comic delivery by around five months. We feel deeply sorry for this delay, we know that you are eager to have the end of our story in your hands. We promise to put all our effort into giving our best as artists and scriptwriters.

If you have any doubts or questions about Crepanquine’s state, we can be reached by or social networks. We will update them more frequently to keep you informed.

Thank you for your understanding and see you later :)"

Caro Waro & Garbunka

NOTE: This message has been mailed to all backers.