GALLERY [Use the arrows to slide]
We are Caro Waro and Garbunka, creators of Crepanquine. The world of Crepanquine appeared for the first time in the art book Asteroid, and it happened to be our fan’s favourite, as well as ours. The concept arose simply by physically merging wizards and wands. Since then, the story of this world has become deeper and we are more than ready to capture it in pages.
The result? A dark and thrilling comic full of unique characters and of course, overflowing with magic.


“The Curse? Nonsense! The Curse lives only in the legends of this land and its imagination. Women possessed by magical mushrooms! Do you honestly believe, as our friends the northerners say, the gods have returned to Crepanquine in search for vengeance? I think it’s time we start doing more productive things with our time. Listen to me now, I won’t say it twice: there is NO such thing as the Curse, and by all means, NO ONE has been cursed.
And now, I beg you, enjoy the concert.”
Rino Silene has no other interests in life beyond finishing his thesis and continuing to study as a History professor. His mother, Rosita, puts all her efforts in making sure his son doesn’t suffer any distractions. But she doesn’t quite stand living in such austerity, even less when their landlady, the twisted dressmaker Evangeline, makes fun of her.
In revenge of her mocking, Rosita steals one of Evangeline’s earrings without knowing they are infected with a disease she thought was mere fantasy: the Curse. Day after day, Rino will have to bear seeing his mother transform into a monster that is able to bring inanimate objects to life.

Miles away, sisters Xental and Emxa Baikan have just fulfilled their dream of living in The Thirst, a cosmopolitan city full of opportunities. When Emxa manages to stand out as a reputed singer she then accidentally falls victim to the Curse, and starts an odd cult around her concerts. Xental will be left alone in an unknown world, and the only assistance will come from a mysterious entity that appears only in her dreams.
Crepanquine describes the story of characters whose lives are constantly hindered by strange forces. In their tireless determination to fight against a fate that seems written, Rino and Xental will start a dangerous journey to bring their loved ones back.
If that possibility even exists.

We know what a job well done entails and both the author and Spaceman Project are prepared. We love this medium and want to take it to another level where readers, authors, editors and booksellers are the protagonists. Therefore, we have taken small details into account and set a goal of raising an amount in keeping with what we offer.
A maximum period of 15 months (after the campaign ended) is anticipated for the development of this work.
Finally, but no less important, all the illustrations presented in this campaign are provisional and are subject to modifications once the goal is reached and the work begins to be created. This will mainly only affect cover images, never the story and format of the work and the type of reward offered. Naturally, we are presenting a live project to be developed. Creativity has no limits and we are convinced that we should not stop improving, which is why we have a commitment to quality with our readers.