25 mars 2022THE LOST BOYS
Project status: THE BOOKS ARE PRINTED!
Actualisation du projet THE LOST BOYS

Dead backer,
With great joy, we confirm that THE LOST BOYS is now printed (in both languages) and ready to be sent to all backers. Due to the paper crisis and minimum services of companies related to the printing sector, the production has suffered an unforeseen delay. We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.
Now, from April 4th we will start preparing all the packages. The packages with destination Spain will be shipped within the same week and their delivery time will be 10 days maximum. International packages will be shipped on April 18th from France and their delivery time will be between 4 and 10 weeks.
If you have to update the delivery information, you can do so in your user area by entering the reward and following this route:
Enter the User Area / Select reward / See the details of this contribution / Shipping address / Edit
On April 1st we will download all the information from our database and the package will be sent as it appears in the reward at that moment. Please, if you have any doubts, check all your data.
Thank you very much for your support!
NOTE: This message has been emailed to all backers.