Here is a new shipment update:
We have two parts to do the backers shipments. First we make all the boxes in Barcelona, after that we send all the international shipments to France (in two big palets), that do possible to keep the good shipment price because we're in Spain. This transit have a estimated duration of 10 days. But, We have a delay because was Christmas time and the logistics stopped all until this week. So, tomorrow is the deadline to have all in France and in the following days is when the international shipments start to each backer. When all the international shipment are done, we will send a confirmation by mail. The estimation to arrive is around 10 days (22th-24th January is the approximate delivery).
I'm so sorry for the delay. I know We have so many backer are waiting
the reward and we are so impatience to finish this part.
If you need some more info, please, you can write here:
A propos du projet
Au coeur de la forêt, entre paysages de rêve et créatures fantastiques, se cache le repère des nymphes.
C’est là que nous rencontrons Nima. Elle est parvenue à l’âge adulte et le moment est venu pour elle de prendre en charge le futur de son espèce, mettre en pratique tout ce qu’on lui a enseigné sur le monde des hommes pour les séduire, s’en servir pour perpétuer la lignée et s’en débarrasser ensuite.
Quand elle voit Awk approcher, il lui semble bien éloigné de tout ce que ses soeurs ont pu lui raconter sur les hommes. Le doute commence à s’immiscer... Sera-t-elle capable de perpétuer les traditions ancestrales, les seules qui puissent garantir sa survie et celle des siens mais qui vont à l’encontre de ses sentiments?
Dans cette oeuvre, Enrique Fernandez dépeint un groupe de nymphes qui, parvenues à l’âge adulte, doivent assumer leurs responsabilités et assurer la survie de leur espèce.
Les nymphes ne mettent jamais au monde d’enfants mâles, c’est pour cette raison qu’elles doivent séduire et tromper les malheureuses créatures qui s’égarent dans leur forêt. Une fois l’union consommée et la nouvelle génération de nymphes perpétrée, elles tuent de sang froid leur malheureuse victime. La justification d’un tel acte est qu’il ne doit pas y avoir de trace, ni exister de relation entre les deux mondes. Et cela dure depuis des générations.
Nima est une nymphe qui, d’une manière générale, doute plus que ses compagnes, se pose la question du sens profond des traditions. Elle s’interroge: Tout se passera-t-il exactement comme je l’ai appris? Elle ne se sent pas prête à accomplir ce qu’on attend d’elle. Et cette sensation s’amplifie quand elle rencontre sa première victime, un humain qui n’est pas exactement tel qu’elle l’avait imaginé, ce qui renforce ses doutes sur la nécessité d’accomplir sa mission, du moins telle qu’on la lui a enseignée.
Faisant contrepoint à l’univers des nymphes, nous rencontrons Awk, un jeune homme qui ne parvient pas à trouver sa place parmi les siens. En cherchant à s’éloigner toujours un peu plus du monde des hommes, il s’enfoncera dans une forêt profonde, de laquelle personne n’est jamais revenu. Ce qu’il découvrira dans ce monde nouveau aura de grandes répercussions sur les deux peuples.
Nima est une histoire d’amour impossible sur fond de conte fantastique au sein de laquelle le destin des deux amants se joue dans un avenir incertain.
Nous avons conçu des prix à la hauteur du talent de l’auteur et de cette oeuvre profonde dotée d’une grande sensibilité artistique. Certaines récompenses pourront être achetées en librairie, d’autres non. L’onglet latéral précise pour chaque récompense s’il s’agit d’une édition limitée ou non. L’objectif de cette campagne est ambitieux. Il ne s’agit pas seulement d’atteindre le budget nécessaire à l’impression de Nima, mais de récompenser le lecteur en lui offrant des produits exclusifs avec un haut niveau d’édition. Nous souhaitons que, dès l’ouverture de cette bande dessinée, le lecteur se laisse submerger par une expérience qui restera gravée dans sa mémoire comme un souvenir sensoriel fort.
Spaceman Project comme l’auteur savons ce qu’un travail de qualité représente en termes d’efforts. Nous y sommes préparés. Nous sommes des amoureux de la bande dessinée et nous avons décidé de l’élever à un niveau jamais encore égalé. Un niveau où lecteurs, auteurs, éditeurs et libraires deviendraient les protagonistes. Pour ce faire nous avons accordé une attention particulière au moindre détail et le budget de cette campagne a été adapté à la qualité de l’offre que nous vous proposons.
Le délai de réalisation pour cette oeuvre est estimé à 15 mois.
Nous posterons,au fur et à mesure de l’avancement de la campagne, des actualisations graphiques ou informatives afin de vous permettre de pénétrer chaque jour un peu plus dans le monde de Nima. Dans un souci d’équité et afin de garantir un climat de confiance total, aucune contrepartie nouvelle ne sera ajoutée en cours de campagne. Nous avons choisi de vous proposer le meilleur et ce dès le premier jour. Cette politique n’a d’autre but que de satisfaire pleinement et intégralement chacun de nos contributeurs.
Dernier point et non des moindres, toutes les illustrations qui sont présentées dans cette campagne sont provisoires et susceptibles d’être modifiées lorsque l’objectif sera atteint et l’oeuvre en cours de fabrication. Ces modifications affecteront essentiellement les images de couverture, elles ne porteront en aucun cas sur l’histoire, le format de l’oeuvre ou les contreparties proposées (qui resteront inchangés). Le projet que nous proposons et c’est logique, est un projet vivant, un projet en devenir. La créativité n’a pas de limite et nous sommes convaincus que nous ne devons cesser de l’améliorer. C’est l’engagement de qualité que nous avons conclu avec nos lecteurs.
Actualisation (12/02/2016)
Voici un cadeau exclusif destiné aux contributeurs de Nima sur Spaceman Project
Chaque contributeur ayant décidé de soutenir le projet d’Enrique Fernandez, se verra remettre une planche exclusive du personnage de Nima.
Plus de détails sur le blog de Nima
Update (25/02/2016)
Join NIMA's Fan Art Contest!
To celebrate the good reception of Nima and share our excitement, we are creating a contest. We are in the middle of the campaign and the final stages of the collection, getting closer to our objective. Are you joining?
You can send your creations until 10th of March at 12:00 (CET). The winners will be announced on the 11th of March.
The winners will be chosen by Enrique Fernández and the Spaceman team. The technique of the fan art and its narrative value will be taken into account.
Update (26/02/2016)
Second gift for the backers of Nima
Omokoi is an important character in Nima's story, he is the one in charge of using his odour to attract humans that are lost in the forest and take them to the nymphs. Our heroine suffers the strict lectures of Omokoi, he always look like he has everything under control... but it wasn't always like that. When he was a teenager, discovering his odour didn't only attract humans made him have the worst day of his life...
More about this gift in Nima's blog
Actualisations (26)
We have the great pride to confirm that the NIMA comic book has come to life and looks great.
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We’ve endured three extra weeks of fabrication process due to the complex and difficult production of 18 individual products and over 10,000 copies printed, and because the printing process took longer than what was first confirmed to us. We are very sorry that we weren’t able to send you the copies between November 15th and 18th as was originally planned. Unfortunately we can’t always have an exact estimate of production time and we need to face any glitches that may push back deadlines and try to solve them as best as possible.
As you can see in the pictures, the comic book have come to completion. We estimate that the rest of the products (Artbook, Omokoi bonus, laminated bonus, postcards and poster) will be delivered on Tuesday, December 12th, and not sooner because December 6th and 8th are national holidays in Spain, If we receive everything in due time, we will start sending the 1,500 packages to our sponsors from December 14th.
We hope you’ll find that the long wait will be worth it and that you will be able to appreciate the work that took us 20 months to produce NIMA, with the author and publication process.
We take full responsibility for misinformation regarding the current state of Spaceman Project and we acknowledge that the communication hasn’t always been straightforward. For the past two months, we’ve been working on a more efficient system to keep our sponsors informed from the platform, especially regarding the meaning of publication process and delivery deadlines, so that the author will be able to keep the sponsors updated throughout the creation process about the evolution of the work or any delays that could come about. We are a team of human beings, we learn from our mistakes and know that we can do better as we learn more about our editorial model. Our goal is to satisfy the needs of the sponsors who trust us and deliver better service every time.
Last but not least, you still have until December 13th (We will delivery your package to the address inserted on that day) to update your name and delivery address with the following path:
Enter in My account / Select rewards / See the details of this contribution / Shipping Address / Edit
We will let you know as soon as we will send out the packages. Remember that the copies won’t be on sale in bookstores until all sponsors receive their package, we keep this compromise with all those who have made NIMA a reality and will let them be the first to enjoy this wonderful piece of art. -
We are writing to you to thank you for sponsoring NIMA as well as to apologize for the extra time it’s taking us to complete the production and to explain the reasons behind this postponement in greater detail.The project was successfully completed on March 15th 2016, 18 months ago. Once the material was handed in by Enrique we spent months working on the comic book, for a final result of 18 books edited in various languages and formats.Please find a detailed roadmap with the production dates and actions that took place up until today:
Upon completing the editorial designs, we sent all the documents to printing and started the pre-production process, including the selection of paper and finish coating. The paper was then produced in a factory to make the copies both for our sponsors and for the bookstores.
-SEPTEMBER 25TH-We received the paper from the factory after 3 or 4 weeks, and noticed an error in the type of paper used, which couldn’t adapt to the requested texture, weight and absorption.
-SEPTEMBER 29TH-We asked for a new paper production, soon after throwing away the original paper whose color and designs couldn’t adapt to the coating required by NIMA.
-OCTOBER 27TH-We received the new paper and we are ready to print the pages.The rewards should be sent between November 13th and 18th.To make up for our lateness we have created a special bonus for all sponsors, as you can see in the picture. We have included 64 extra pages in a 17x24 cm format with the complete Nima storyboard. We hope this extra gift will serve to thank you for your support, patience and understanding. -
Tout est prêt à partir pour l’impression!
"Cher Contributeur,
Lire la suite
Après un an et demi de travail nous avons le plaisir de t’informer que les traductions et la conception éditoriale de Nima, l’oeuvre d’Enrique Fernandez sont enfin achevées.
Le 4 septembre elle entrera en phase d’impression et deviendra réalité. Le temps de production est estimé à 4 semaines. Dès que les exemplaires arriveront dans notre boutique nous procéderons à l’envoi immédiat à tous les contributeurs.
Si tu as changé d'adresse au cours de cette période, ce n'est pas un souci, jusqu'au 15 Septembre, tu peux la mettre à jour dans ton espace utilisateur en spécifiant ta contribution et en sélectionnant l'option “Modifier” dans la rubrique “Adresse d'envoi”.
Nous te rappelons également que le nom sous lequel tu apparaîtras dans les crédits et remerciements sera celui qui figure dans ton espace utilisateur, tu peux le modifier si tu le souhaites jusqu’au 31 Août.
Dès que nous procéderons aux envois, tu recevras un mail de confirmation qui te tiendra informé.
Nous espérons que le résultat de ces mois de travail de l'auteur et de toute l'équipe du Spaceman Project te plaira autant qu’elle nous a plu et que tu apprécieras l’oeuvre.
Merci d’avoir soutenu Nima et d’avoir permis à ce projet de voir le jour. -
Enrique Fernandez has finished the pages and the result is stunning!
He has worked hard all year round and now Spaceman Project is starting with the translation, editing and printing of the comic.
During this process we will send an email to all the backers to confirm their name for the credits and the delivery address.
Once out of the printer, the deliveries will start.If you still want to get hold of some of the rewards, you can preorder the ones you like most here.
Thank you for supporting this beautiful project!Lire la suite -
[Update] 40 pages finished!
Enrique Fernández has finished the 40 first pages of his latest comic! And they are gorgeous!
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NIMA: Documentación y guion
"Este maravilloso entorno es la fuente de inspiración para crear los escenarios de Nima. El guion esta cogiendo forma a un ritmo veloz".Enrique Fernández
NIMA successfully funded!!!
Enrique Fernández's campaign ended last night at 00:00. His project Nima raised 50.250 €, the goal being 49.000 €!
On behalf of Spaceman Project we would like to thank all of the backers that made us reach the goal to create this wonderful comic. The whole team lived the night with the nerves on edge, astonished and happy, all at once.
We've had the best debut as a platform that we could have imagined.The creation process starts now. During the next months we will keep you updated with the progress of the book through the blog.
We are back to work with renewed strength.
Thank you!
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NIMA, last day to back!
The crowdfunding period for Enrique Fernandez's Nima comes to an end today at 00:00 (CET).
During these 41 days we have received a great reception and a lot of support for our platform, and we are very happy with the result of Spaceman Project´s debut.
Thank you all for backing, sharing and living the day-to-day with Spaceman Project!
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NIMA FAN ART CONTEST: And the winners are...
1st Prize: Jesús Alonso Iglesias
Signed NIMA Spaceman Exclusive Edition HC
2nd Prize: Giovanni Costa
Signed NIMA Special Edition HC
3rd Prize: Kin Lee
NIMA Pack 3 (Comic HC + Artbook + Postcards) signed
4th Prize: Sara Mauri
Signed NIMA Comic HC
Thank you to all the participants for being part of the contest. Congratulations to all the winners!
Discover the art of all of the participants here.
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The deadline for Nima's fan-art is now closed!
The contest has been a success and we are very happy with the people's involvement.
Thank you to all of the more than 50 artists that have dedicated their time and love to create a fan art of Nima, now it's our turn to choose. Tomorrow we will announce the 4 contest winners. We'll keep you posted!
Remember, it's very important to share the link! there is 5 days left for this comic to become a reality.
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NIMA: "Tradition", complete process of the page.
Enrique Fernández shares with us his amazing creative process while creating a page for his comic NIMA. Watching how the colours and shapes appear is hypnotising.
"The process of this page (pencils and gouache) is a clear example of what I want Nima to be. A comic with a fresh, organic feel, free from big technical details, focused on big brushy strokes and bright happy colours. I want the color pencil and brush strokes to breathe and become tangible, providing their texture and warmth."
Enrique Fernández
New Nima page: Tradition
Enrique Fernández presents a new page of his comic Nima: "Tradition".
"Nima went through the same type of education and training than the rest of the other nymphs, but something inside her tells her that there is another way. Specially now that she knows Awk."
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We reveal the next exclusive present for the backers of Nima!
We are rewarding all of you that are giving your support to Enrique Fernandez's project with the second backer bonus, a short story about Omokoi, Nima´s companion.
Omokoi is an important character in Nima's story, he is the one in charge of using his odour to attract humans that are lost in the forest and take them to the nymphs. Our heroine suffers the strict lectures of Omokoi, he always look like he has everything under control... but it wasn't always like that. When he was a teenager, discovering his odour didn't only attract humans made him have the worst day of his life...
8 page A5 booklet.
The 11th of March we will reveal the last present we have, only available for the backers of Nima in Spaceman Project.
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Join NIMA's Fan Art Contest!
To celebrate the good reception of Nima and share our excitement, we are creating a contest. We are in the middle of the campaign and the final stages of the collection, getting closer to our objective. Are you joining?
How does the contest work?
To participate in the contest, first, you need to register on our website. We need your data to be able to contact you and send you your prize if you are one of the winners.
1er Prize: Signed NIMA Spaceman Exclusive Edition HC
2º Premio: Signed NIMA Special Edition HC
3er Premio: NIMA Pack 3 (Comic HC + Artbook + Postcards) signed
4º Premio: Signed NIMA Comic HC
- Draw a fan art of Nima in an international paper format (A5 or A4).
- Publish it on Facebook or twitter (with the hashtag #nimafanart) and including the link to Nima's project (
- Send us the fan art via e-mail ( to be able to value it in the quality it deserves.
Deadline for the contest
The contest will take place from the 25th of February to the 10th of March at 12:00 (CET).
The winners will be announced on the 11th of March.
The winners will be chosen by Enrique Fernández and the Spaceman team. The technique of the fan art and its narrative value will be taken into account.
Remember, this prizes will only be given if the project goes forward. It's very important to count on your support and to spread the word.
Note: In case a participant wins the contest and already had acquired the reward beforehand, it will be substituted by one of the same value.
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Page creation process for Nima
My intention with this book is working again in a traditional way. Pencils, paper, gouache... But after so much time without practice, I still need the support of digital painting. In this case, for the concept art and the pencil sketch, and for some last color and assembly retouches (for printing) of the final page.
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Infant nymphs designs, NIMA
They are cute when they are kids, aren´t they? When they grow up as adults they are ready to seduce a man and kill him with their very own hands. But when they are kids are just adorable!
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Exclusive gift for the backers of Nima
Thank you for backing comics Spaceman Project!
For all of you that have supporting Enrique Fernandez's project, we are rewarding you with an exclusive print of the character Nima.
The print is a one side duotone, measuring 14,8 x 21 cm
The 26th February we will unveil another of the presents we have ready, and that will only be available for the backers of Nima in Spaceman Project.
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First designs
During the process of developing a book, the characters change a lot, depending on the moods and feelings of the story, that also changes from what you have in mind first. Everything is alive and evolving, and that´s what makes the developement of a book something great to see. That´s the kind of things you see on the Artbook and the Extra Pages of the books.
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Enrique Fernández: "Me gusta crear personajes vinculados de forma directa con la naturaleza o con un mundo espiritual, incluso místico"
La campaña de Nima ya tiene una semana de vida, ¿qué mejor manera de celebrarlo que con una entrevista a su creador? Enrique Fernández nos desvela más detalles sobre todo lo que rodea a nuestra querida ninfa.
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Descubriendo "Nima", la nueva obra de Enrique Fernández
Enrique Fernández es guionista, animador, ilustrador y, por encima de todo, un enorme autor de cómic. Desde su más tierna infancia ha llenado de monigotes todo papel que ha encontrado al alcance de sus manos. Ya en la universidad, estudiando Bellas Artes, vislumbraría que no sería allí donde aprendería el oficio de dibujante. Así fue cuando en 1995, bajo el impacto que le producen la humanidad y expresividad de los personajes de las películas de animación del momento, se sumerge en un curso de técnicas de animación.
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3 février 2016
Lancement du projet